What Is the Operation of Auto-Fat Injection?

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What Is the Operation of Auto-Fat Injection?

Auto-fat injection is considered one of the very simple cosmetic procedures, but they are highly effective, for they are similar to the impact of re-building the body. Auto-fat injections redistribute lipids in the body, they suck the fat from different areas of the body, where fat accumulates or suffer of some obesity, and then they distribute these fats to different areas of the body.

Auto-fat injection distributes fat that is self-extracted from certain areas of the body to other areas of the body that suffer from fat deficiency, or suffer of thinness, or suffer of sagging and wrinkles; as injected fats in these areas address all the problems that preceded.

Auto-fat injection is also used to treat and improve defects caused by previous cosmetic procedures. Self-extracted fat is injected into different parts of the body as needed; such as under the eyes, face and especially cheeks, to enlarge the chest or beautify the buttocks and other areas.

Techniques Used in The Process of Autologous Fat Injection

Auto-fat injection takes a period of time ranges from 45 to 90 minutes, as it is an easy and simple operation. Very fine needles are used to inject extracted fat into the targeted areas of the body; this is after the suction of these fats from areas suffer of local obesity or accumulated fat, by the Vaser technique of liposuction.

Candidates For Auto-Fat Injection

Those undergoing autologous fat injection should generally be healthy, if a patient who wants to undergo an auto-fat injection has circulatory problems, whether due to medical reasons or smoking, she/he won’t be suitable for auto-fat injection.

Candidates for autologous fat injection are:

Post- Auto-Fat Injection Tips

Auto-fat injection is a simple operation, however, the patient undergoing the procedure should follow the advice and instructions recommended by the doctor in order to get a recovery period free of complications and risks, such tips are:

Avoid any effort for at least three weeks after the operation and get physical rest until the wounds heal successfully.

Have a healthy and balanced food rich in proteins and vitamins.

Take antibiotics recommended by your doctor regularly.

Avoid itching as much as possible in areas where fat has been removed or injected.

Avoid smoking for the period of time after the operation (5 weeks or more).

Keep away from intense sunlight and high heat for at least a week after the operation.

Stages Of the Autologous Fat Injection

Auto-fat injection is considered among the simple and easy procedures that rarely lead to any serious complications. Where the patient can return to normal life three days after the operation, but has to follow the advices and instructions of the doctor.

First Stage:

The stages of the autologous fat injection process begin with a thorough examination of the patient; the physician examines the patient who is undergoing the operation to identify the areas where fat accumulates (donor area) from which the liposuction will be done, to be injected later into areas that suffer of thinness or wrinkles. Also, the doctor determines the areas where the fat will be injected.

Second Stage:

After anesthesia, the doctor sucks fat from the donor area by Vaser technology, the doctor then purifies the extracted fat through a special device, this device expels blood and fluids and separates them from fat, so the doctor gets pure fat that is injected in areas that suffer of thinness or wrinkles.

Third Stage:

In the final stage of the operation, the physician’s assistants place the extracted fat in very fine needles, so that the doctor gradually injects these needles into the targeted areas, until the amount to be injected is injected. The patient is discharged from hospital on the same day and can return to normal life within two or three days.

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