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Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty is completely a safe and simple surgical cosmetic procedure, aims to tighten the muscle wall and get rid of wrinkles, sagging and skin appendages, through removing fat exists in the abdomen and waist. There are two ways to conduct abdominoplasty. They are:

Partial abdominoplasty is best suited for those with skin appendages or sagging in the lower part of the abdomen, below the navel. In addition to the presence of a few fat blocks.

Total abdominoplasty is relied upon in the presence of stiff fat lumps in the entire abdominal area, so the abdominal wall and entire muscles are tightened.

Candidates For Tummy Tuck

Many people need a tummy tuck surgery, but the candidates are limited to the following list:

Abdominoplasty is a procedure designed to build muscle and tighten the abdominal wall; it is not intended for weight loss.

Pre-Tummy Tack Surgery Tips

There are many tips to be followed before undergoing a tummy tuck surgery, in order to get the desired results. They are as follows:

Avoid having any sort of blood thinners such as alcohol, green tea or vitamin combinations, for they contain vitamin E and vitamin A, in order to avoid bleeding during the surgery.

Avoid having stimulants such as caffeine or Arabic coffee, because the person who drinks stimulants is difficult to be anesthetized.

Stop having any medications that cause blood diluting for a week before the surgery.

Make sure to eat healthy and balanced food for a sufficient period before the tummy tuck surgery, in order to avoid complications during the operation.

Avoid smoking for a month because it affects the levels of oxygen in the blood, for it reduces the required rate of oxygen in the blood, which is needed for recovery.

Post-Tummy Tack Surgery Tips

The doctor dictates some important instructions and the patient must adhere to all instructions and advices, in order to get the best results, such as the following:

Keep wearing a medical abdominal corset for eight weeks, in order to help reduce swelling and accelerate the process of recovery.

Stay away from hard work or exhausting exercises for a maximum of two months.

Continue to refrain from smoking for two months after the surgery, so as not to affect the recovery.

Do not carry heavy objects for eight weeks, in order to avoid any damages in tissues.

Refrain from using any moisturizing creams in the abdomen and waist, to avoid allergies.

You should sleep with a certain curved position dictated by the doctor according to the patient’s condition, also avoid lying in a flat position.

For a woman, she must avoid pregnancy completely after tummy tuck procedure.

Avoid swimming for at least two months.

Be careful not to remove the tuber for a week, in order to get rid of all the fluids in the abdominal area.

Stages Of Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is conducted through a set of very simple stages, which are summarized as follows:

First Stage: Conduction Clinical Examinations

The doctor examines the abdomen and waist area and explains all the procedures necessary to obtain a tightened abdomen.

Second Stage: Conduction the Necessary Tests

Blood tests are conducted to identify sugar levels in blood, to make sure that a person is free from diseases that hinder the tummy tuck surgery such as Hypertension, diabetes or immunodeficiency.

Third Stage: Preparing the Patient

The medical team sterilizes the abdominal area, and then the anesthesiologist anesthetizes the patient with general anesthesia.

Fourth Stage: Breaking Down Fat

The doctor breaks down the fat in the abdomen and waist areas, which is, then suctioned.

Fifth Stage: Tightening the Abdominal Wall

The doctor makes a simple incision to tighten the abdominal wall and build muscles, in order to get a tightened belly wall.

Sixth Stage: Bandaging

The doctor puts a fixed rubber band, which is called bandages, to reduce swelling.

The patient needs to stay in the hospital for one to two days at most, to make sure that his/her health is good and to ensure full recovery.

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